November 3, 2007

Organizational habits

This past week was particularly crazy, between work and Halloween and just general ... craziness. So I took a few days "off" from my obsessive need to plan out this move. I genuinely like planning and making charts and spreadsheets and organizing notes and coming up with backup plans and backup-backup plans. It's what makes me good at my job, and hopefully means I'll be a good producer. I'm also sure this is a direct result of me being my mother's daughter - she sent me two different spreadsheets to explain how much money I could expect to make if I go to work at her company for 8 weeks with everything worked out to the penny.

Moving to Los Angeles for 8-10 weeks is still on the table, but I also had another option pop up out of nowhere early in the week. A friend of mine told me about an editorial house that had offices in Portland and Amsterdam. She had met with someone while she was in Portland a few months back and said "hey, you might as well see if they have anything." A company that has offices in both the US and the Netherlands is a dream situation. I sent the company my resume and a short email, and they responded quickly and quite positively. There is a position they need filled in Amsterdam, working with a young editor from NYC - seems to good to be true! I had a really great phone call on Monday and since then I've been going back and forth with emailing the woman who runs the Portland office. It's possible I could have a job in the Amsterdam office sometime next year, but of course, it's also possible that nothing could come from all of this talk and I'll end up working full time in LA... but what a great set of options!

I'm using my Amsterdam-Paris train ticket as a bookmark (since I'm still reading the same book I was reading when I was there last month), and every time I see it I get excited. Beyond my dreams of being a documentary filmmaker and my career goals, I just love knowing that I'll be back in Europe. I'll finally make it over to Poland to visit my friends out there, I'll get to spend more time in Germany, and maybe one day soon I'll even be able to afford a visit to those pricey Scandinavian countries. Paris will be just four short hours away by train and I'll be living in one of my favorite cities in the world. That makes all this planning worth it!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Is that Portland OR or Portland ME? I'm guessing ME, but how cool that such an opportunity has [possibly] shown up...

Kara 5K said...

Portland, Oregon! Sorry I wasn't more specific. It just so happens that I have some close friends living in Portland now with a spare bedroom, so it would be a really easy move to make. and I remember that the food and the biking was great out there, so I'm all for it.